| Note from Executive Director Hope Comes Through Action | | | |
Yesterday, the Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers (MAP), of which FNVW is a member organization, organized a bridge brigade over I-94. FNVW volunteer Sebastián López and I participated in the action. It was an uplifting experience to stand side by side with such amazing people, working together to get out the vote on November 8th! Read on for more opportunities to find hope through action with FNVW in the weeks ahead. With Revolutionary Love, Leah | | | |
 | The Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers (MAP) encouraged people to "Vote 4 Democracy" at a recent bridge brigade. | | |  | FNVW members Sebastián López and Leah Robshaw Robinson holding signs with other MAP members. | | |  | Figuring out the right order for our letters was an amusing process. We had to laugh at ourselves! | | | |
| November Virtual AVP Combo Workshop | | | |
If you've ever considered taking an AVP workshop, now is the time! Registration is open for the November 2022 AVP Basic, Advanced and Training for Facilitators Combo Virtual Workshop In the context of a supportive community, you'll discover your power to build safer communities and transform conflict and frustration in your life. The four day workshop schedule is: Thurs, Nov. 3rd, 6-9pm CST, with a 30 min. break Sat, Nov. 5th, 11am-6pm, with a 1 hour break Thurs, Nov. 10th, 6-9pm, with a 30 min. break Sat, Nov. 12th, 11am-6pm, with a 1 hour break Sign up now using the AVP-MN Combo Community Virtual Workshop - November 2022 Registration Form to guarantee your spot! | | | |
| FNVW Student Alumni Zoom Reunion | | | |
FNVW is hosting our second annual Zoom reunion for any and all alumni of FNVW's intern and community engaged learning student program. If you volunteered or worked at FNVW while a student we hope you'll join us! FNVW Student Alumni Reunion Thursday, October 27, 6:30-7:30 p.m. CDT Zoom Meeting Link Meeting ID: 892 4260 8212 Over 50 students have participated as student volunteers at FNVW over the last six years! The reunion event will be a chance to socialize with other FNVW student alumni, meet current staff and interns and learn about recent FNVW projects. Email Zetta with questions at: volunteer@fnvw.org | | | |
| FNVW Receives $1,000 Matching Grant for AVP Outreach! | | | |
We are excited to announce that Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) - USA's Committee of Local and Regional Groups (CLARG) awarded FNVW a matching grant of up to $1000 to re-engage facilitators and extend AVP's reach. Violence prevention is a huge need in our community right now. Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) workshops are a part of the solution. We need your help to raise the $1,000 required to receive the full amount of this grant. | | | You can also mail a check payable to FNVW to: FNVW P.O. Box 4564 St. Paul, MN 55104 Please put "AVP grant match" in the memo line. | | |  | "This AVP workshop gave me tools and knowledge that I will be able to apply and use in every area of my life... This workshop was life changing!" - Successful Sarah | | | |
| Volunteer at the FNVW Holiday Fair! | | | |
 | The 2022 FNVW Holiday Fair When: Friday, December 2nd,1-9 pm Saturday, December 3rd,10 am - 4 pm Where: The Friends School of Minnesota 1365 Englewood Ave, St. Paul, MN 55104 | | | Kickoff the Holiday Season by volunteering at FNVW's biggest fundraising and social event of the year! SIX REASONS TO VOLUNTEER AT THE HOLIDAY FAIR: - Meet others who share the same values about peace and justice.
- Help raise money for FNVW by doing things you already love.
- Support FNVW’s violence prevention and nonviolent social change work.
- Get your holiday shopping in after your shift ends.
- Participate in activities, crafts, games and socializing.
- Have fun with your friends and family by inviting them to volunteer with you!
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| Request for Items to Sell at the FNVW Holiday Fair | | | |
The snow might not yet be in the air, but planning has already started for the 2022 FNVW Holiday Fair Fundraiser and Social Event! FNVW would love your assistance gathering the following items to sell at the Holiday Fair: - Handmade crafts
- Donated services
- Used books
- Quaker Treasures
- Desserts
- Donated items from local business
Sign up here to help: FNVW Holiday Fair Donations Form | | | |
Interested in being on the Holiday Fair Planning Committee? Our next meeting is Sunday, October 23rd at 1 pm. Please reach out to donna@fnvw.org for a Zoom link. | | | |
| The Best of Enemies Film Showing | | | |
Minneapolis Friends Meeting's Peace and Social Concerns Committee invites the FNVW community to their Zoom film showing of The Best of Enemies on Thursday, October 20th at 6:30 p.m. Click Here for the Zoom link. | | | |
The film is based on a true story of how an African American activist and a leader of the Ku Klux Klan, and their respective communities, came together in Durham, N.C. in 1971 to discuss school integration. The two groups used a process called “charrette,” led by a mediator, to discuss their differences. The film is two hours, and a discussion will follow. View the movie trailer here: The Best of Enemies | | | |
| October 2022 - AVP Inside Out Newsletter | | | |
The AVP Inside Out Newsletter publication provides an opportunity for members of the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) community, inside and outside correctional facilities, to connect with one another about the effects of violence on us all and the strategies we use to transform the violence in our lives and communities. Click on the links below to read the past two issues. We welcome your contributions to AVP Inside Out! Review the submission guidelines here. Please email submissions to: AVP@fnvw.org. | | | |
| Follow FNVW on Social Media! | | | |
FNVW is working hard to expand the reach and impact of our programs. Social media is a powerful way to engage more people in our work. We need your help to increase FNVW's visibility on social media. Here's what you can do: - Take a moment right now to follow our pages
- Like and share our social media posts
- Volunteer to create social media content to help tell FNVW's story and promote events.
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This is a historic moment where communities are re-imagining public safety and how we live in relationship with one another. Now is the time to support the principles and practices of nonviolence that FNVW's programs champion. Your financial support will help us move our mission forward in 2022! | | | | | |
 | FNVW E-Letter October 20, 2022 | | | Upcoming Events - Thursday, Oct. 20: Best of Enemies Film Screening 6:30 pm
- Sunday, Oct. 23: Holiday Fair Planning Committee Meeting 1 - 2 pm
- Thursday, Oct. 27: FNVW Student Alumni Zoom Reunion 6:30 pm
- Thurs/Sat Nov. 3rd, 5th, 10th and 12th: AVP Virtual Combo Workshop
- Friday-Saturday, Dec. 2-3: FNVW Holiday Fair
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Friends for a NonViolent World 393 N Dunlap Street Suite #450E | Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 (651) 917-0383 | info@fnvw.org | |