| Nonviolence in action since 1981 | | | | | Note from FNVW's AVP Youth and Adult Program Coordinator In-Person Workshops Return to the Twin Cities | | This previous weekend marked the triumphant return of in-person, community Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) workshops to the Twin Cities! Our Basic Level workshop included participants of all ages, ranging from middle school through retirement. This diverse makeup really emphasized what makes AVP so special -- our similarities and our differences were equally valuable, creating a space to ask questions and explore solutions. I'm especially grateful for our youth participants who stepped up tremendously during the workshop. Their leadership and sense of humor goes to show that young folks are uniquely poised to create change in our communities. This group of participants received their Basic AVP Certification with the intention of becoming facilitators for our upcoming AVP Youth Program. If you or someone you know is interested in joining our youth work as a participant or facilitator, I'd love to hear from you! Our next Basic Workshop will be in early 2024. Yours in Community, Katie | | | | | Upcoming AVP Community Workshops | | | | | Workshop registration is now open for individuals interested in continuing their journey towards becoming an AVP workshop facilitator. We're especially dedicated to developing our team of youth workshop facilitators. Register today! | |  | | December AVP Community Workshop Advanced Level The three day in-person workshop schedule is: Fri, Dec 8th, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Central Time) Sat, Dec 9th, 10:00 am - 8:00 pm - lunch & dinner included Sun, Dec 10th, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm - lunch included sign up today to reserve your spot January AVP Community Workshop Training for Facilitators (T4F) Level The three day in-person workshop schedule is: Fri, Jan 5th, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Central Time) Sat, Jan 6th, 10:00 am - 8:00 pm - lunch & dinner included Sun, Jan 7th, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm - lunch included sign up today to reserve your spot | | | | | Thank you to everyone who supported FNVW on Give to the Max Day! Collectively you donated over $4,000 to help make FNVW's new youth AVP program a reality. We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has financially supported FNVW this year. There is a dire need for FNVW's programs. - The number one cause of death among children in Minnesota is firearms.
- In 2021 and 2022, suicides rates in Minnesota increased to the highest level ever recorded.
- In 2022, hate crimes in Minnesota increased to 238 incidents motivated by bias.
- The list goes on.
FNVW's programs offer alternatives to violence and injustice. That is why we are courageously expanding our work to a larger scale than anything we've done before. This requires both an increased investment of time and energy as well as an increased investment of money. FNVW needs to raise $55,000 by December 31st to cover our 2023 expenses. This is a tremendous amount of money for a small organization like FNVW. We can do it with your help. If everyone reading this e-letter today donates $100 using the link below we will meet our goal. Now is the time to invest in youth. Now is the time to advocate for nonviolent solutions. Please help FNVW meet the challenges of this pivotal moment in history. | | | | | Thank you in advance for your support. A donation of any amount helps move our mission forward. | | | | | | George Lakey - Quaker Activist, Campaign Organizer, Sociologist, Trainer and Author | | | | | |  | FNVW hosted a visit from George Lakey in September, 2023.* Check out resources and event recordings from George's time with us at: fnvw.org/georgelakey * FNVW shared 10% of the funds donated to support George's visit with the Makoce Ikikcupi Land Recovery Project as part of our land acknowledgement. | | | | | | | This episode was hosted by PJ Hoffman and produced by Solomon Collins, with editing by Laurel Osterkamp and audio engineering by PJ Hoffman. Music generously donated by Bensound.com. | | | | | Add the FNVW Holiday Fair to Your Calendar! Feel good about what you buy this holiday season by stopping by our annual Holiday Fair fundraiser | | | | | A wide variety of holiday gifts, unique craft items, candles, soaps, handmade winter accessories, discounted gift cards to local businesses, used books, desserts, Quaker Treasures, Christmas wreaths, delicious home-cooked meals and much, much more will be for sale at the fair! Holiday Fair Schedule: Friday, December 1st from 1-9 pm Dinner will be served on Friday from 4-9 pm. Saturday, December 2nd from 10 am-4 pm Lunch will be served on Saturday from 10 am-3 pm. Cash, check and credit cards will be accepted. | | | | | | | | November-December Issue of AVP Inside Out | | | | | | | | The AVP Inside Out Newsletter publication provides an opportunity for members of the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) community, inside and outside correctional facilities, to connect with one another about the effects of violence on us all and the strategies we use to transform the violence in our lives and communities. Click on the links below to read the past two issues: We are seeking submissions for future issues! Review the submission guidelines here and email submissions to: avp@fnvw.org. | | | | | | | FNVW works to promote and create peace and justice in our community by using the principles and practices of nonviolence to transform conflict and to address the root causes of violence. Your financial support will help us move our mission forward into the future! | | | | | |  | | | | Friends for a NonViolent World P.O. Box 4564 | Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 651-917-0383 | info@fnvw.org | | | | | | | | |