New Everyday Nonviolence Podcast Series The Six Principles of Kingian Nonviolence - Then and Now | | | |
The gains made by the Civil Rights Movement under Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s leadership demonstrate what can be accomplished through strategic nonviolent action. But how much do we really know about MLK and the nonviolent activism of the Civil Rights Movement? How do we continue to move King’s vision forward in our world today? Join host Jarren Peterson Dean and guest Peter Digitale Anderson in an exploration of the moral values and beliefs that guided MLK's life and activism. Each short episode in this series features one of the six Principles of Kingian Nonviolence and includes queries for further reflection. Peter Digitale Anderson is the Director of Formation for Peace Catalyst International, where he trains and coaches activists in skills for peacebuilding, nonviolence, and community organizing. This episode series was hosted by Jarren Peterson Dean and produced by Leah Robshaw Robinson, with audio engineering by P.J. Hoffman. | | |  | Peter Digitale Anderson is the Director of Formation for Peace Catalyst International. Learn more at: peacecatalyst.org | | | |
| After listening, please consider sharing with your networks on your social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) Include a few sentences about what you liked or learned along with a link to the episode. | | | |
| New 2023-25 FNVW Strategic Plan | | | |
The FNVW Board is excited to share with you the new 2023-25 FNVW Strategic Plan. Thank you to the hundreds of people who participated in FNVW's strategic planning process last year. The energy and wisdom of our stakeholders provided invaluable insight and guidance. We invite you to check out the complete FNVW 2023-25 Strategic Plan which includes the five main strategic priorities named below plus the goals we've set that will put this plan in motion and move our mission forward. We look forward to sharing more details about our vision for FNVW's future in the weeks ahead. | | | |
FNVW's 2023-25 Strategic Priorities - Increase our revenue to allow for sustainability and growth.
- Unify and align our programs to strengthen FNVW’s identity and impact.
- Develop relationships with people and groups that do similar work in advocacy and nonviolent action to broaden our reach, increase FNVW’s visibility, and build our collective power.
- Expand FNVW’s conflict transformation offerings to address and prevent violence
- Engage youth (under 18) and young adults (18-30) as program participants and volunteers to invest in the future.
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Save the Date for People Camp 2023! August 6-12 | |
People Camp is a unique, one week, intergenerational community living experience run by FNVW and open to all. At People Camp you'll discover: - Shared community life and work
- Opportunities for recreation and connection
- Inspiring social justice themed workshops and action opportunities
3-day and 7-day camp options will be available again this year! Check out the People Camp Guide to learn more about what People Camp is all about! | | | |
"At People Camp I enjoy time together in shared community. I enjoy the trees and creative spaces and watching my kiddos be independent and enjoying free play!" | | | |
FNVW Events Calendar is LIVE! | | | |
We are incredibly lucky to have such a lively community that supports our vision, so we want to make it easy for you to get involved with everything we do here. We’ve added a Calendar and Upcoming Events page to the FNVW website so you can access everything that FNVW is up to these days! | | | |
Through the calendar, you'll find: - Recurring Team and Committee Meetings
- Events & Workshops
- Everyday Nonviolence Podcast releases
- Zoom Meet-Ups & Conversations
- Volunteer Orientations/Trainings
- Community Events that FNVW is Attending
Of course, that’s not all! We also have a panel next to the calendar to highlight the exciting events that we’re involved in each month. This way, you can quickly glance at the panel and click the links to find out more info! If you have community events that you think we might be interested in, please email joy@fnvw.org. | | | |
| Be the Change in 2023 Become an FNVW Volunteer | | | |
Friends for a NonViolent World (FNVW) is fueled by the power of volunteers. If you are looking to be a part of a team of engaged and passionate people working to make real change in 2023, we have a place for you at FNVW. You can use your existing skills and strengths, or develop new ones! | | | |
We are especially seeking volunteers for the following roles: - Everyday Nonviolence Podcast Producer
- Everyday Nonviolence Podcast Editor
- Event Planner
- Volunteer Engagement Team Member
- Alternatives to Violence Project Workshop Facilitator
- Advocacy and Outreach Team Member
- FNVW Board Member (2 Year Term)
Complete the online Volunteer Interest Form or call 651-917-0383 and we'll connect with you to explore options! | | |  | FNVW is a volunteer-driven organization filled with fun and creative movers, shakers and good-troublemakers. | | | |
| Follow FNVW on Social Media! | | | |
FNVW is working hard to expand the reach and impact of our programs. Social media is a powerful way to engage more people in our work. We need your help to increase FNVW's visibility on social media. Here's what you can do: - Take a moment right now to follow our pages
- Like and share our social media posts
- Volunteer to create social media content to help tell FNVW's story and promote events.
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Now is the time to support the principles and practices of nonviolence that FNVW's programs champion. Your financial support will help us move our mission forward into the future! | | | | | |
 | FNVW E-Letter January 19, 2023 | | | Upcoming Events - Thursdays and Fridays, January 12, 14, 19 & 21: Virtual AVP Combo Workshop
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Friends for a NonViolent World 393 N Dunlap Street Suite #450E | Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104 (651) 917-0383 | info@fnvw.org | |