We champion nonviolence as the foundation for effective programs and actions to promote the dignity of every human being.


Note from Executive Director
An Abundance of Love

Life is fleeting and fragile. It's all too easy to take the people and things that we love for granted. Valentine's Day is a nudge to express our love before it's too late.

FNVW creates spaces and systems that honor the worth, dignity and lovability of every human being. Our programs prove that healing and positive change are possible within this context. In celebration of Valentine's Day, I invite you to make a donation to show your love and support for FNVW's work. Our future depends on it. 

With Revolutionary Love, 


FNVW in the Community


Protect Minnesota - Lighting Our Way to a Safer Future 

We're proud to have been a part of Protect Minnesota's gathering on Sunday, Feb. 5th, where Executive Director, Leah Robshaw Robinson, spoke about FNVW's work to other community groups, activists, survivors, and elected officials. We were able to make some wonderful connections with local groups dedicated to preventing violence in our communities at this event, and we look forward to more collaboration with Protect Minnesota around ending gun violence in our state and creating a safer MN.


Macalester College Community Engagement Fair

Our Volunteer Engagement Specialist, Samantha, and our Social Work Intern, Zetta, visited Macalester College on Jan. 31st to spread the news about FNVW at the Community Engagement Fair! 


Join us at the People Camp Reunion Next Week!

Let's gather for the 2023 People Camp Reunion, where you'll reconnect with those that have been to People Camp before and meet new people who are interested in going. 

ALL are welcome. Bring friends, family, and a potluck dish to share!

  • When? Saturday, February 25th 
  • What Time? 4:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. 
  • Where? Twin Cities Friends Meeting

Visit our Facebook Page Event to let us know you're going! 


Meet our new Community Engaged Learning Students! 

Part One

Each semester, Friends for a NonViolent World (FNVW) partners with colleges and universities
to engage students in our nonviolent social change work. Community Engaged Learning Students
at FNVW develop skills in community engagement, advocacy, organizing and the behind the
scenes work of nonviolent social change. In turn, these students bring passion, energy and insights into
FNVW’s work.

Hi, my name is Charlie Caven, and I am a student at the University of St. Thomas in St Paul, MN. I graduated from Maple Grove Senior High in Maple Grove, MN in 2020. I am currently on the cross country and track and field team at UST, and I have been running XC and Track since I was in 7th grade. I am currently studying financial management with a minor in data analytics at UST and plan to graduate in the spring of 2024. 

My name is Will Decker, and I'm a journalism student at the University of Minnesota. I'm really interested in showcasing alternatives to harmful social practices now and throughout my future career, and I love to learn how to help the people and communities around me.

Hi! My name is Olivia Flemmer, I am a senior at the University of Minnesota studying psychology and sociology of law, crime, and justice. My dream is to become either a clinical/forensic psychologist or an addiction counselor. In my free time, I love to spend time with my fish Petunia and my dog Nala, reading, cooking and baking, and getting boba with my friends! I am so excited to be volunteering with FNVW because their values and mission have a very significant meaning to me, and I am extremely passionate about violence reduction in my community!!


Register for People Camp 2023

People camp 2022

People Camp is a unique, one week, intergenerational community living experience run by FNVW and open to all. 

Early birds who sign up before May 31st save $40 per weekly adult registration

3-day and 7-day camp options will be available again this year!

Check out the People Camp Guide to learn more about what People Camp is all about!

At People Camp you'll discover: 

Opportunities for recreation and connection.

Inspiring social justice themed workshops and action opportunities.

Music time at people camp 22

Shared community life and work.


Become an FNVW Board Member


With our 2023-25 Strategic Plan in place, FNVW is boldly moving forward as an organization. You are invited to be a part of the action by joining the FNVW Board of Directors!

The Board keeps FNVW focused on our mission and provides organizational leadership and oversight. It's a fun and creative team. 

This is a time when we are all called to stretch ourselves to use our gifts to their fullest capacity. Our future depends on it! Maybe the FNVW Board is just the place for you to be the change you wish to see in the world...


March Virtual Alternatives to Violence Project Workshop

In the context of a supportive community, you'll discover your power to build safer communities and transform conflict and frustration in your life. AVP workshops are experiential and life changing!

AVP, Alternatives to Violence Project logo

March 2023 AVP Basic, Advanced and Training For Facilitators (T4F) Combo Virtual Workshop

Thurs, 3/2, 6-9pm CST, with a 30 min. break
Sat, 3/4, 11am-6pm, with a 1 hour break
Thurs, 3/9, 6-9pm, with a 30 min. break
Sat, 3/11, 11am-6pm, with a 1 hour break

Sign up now using the AVP- MN Virtual Combo Workshop - March 2023 Registration Form to guarantee your spot!


February 2023 - AVP Inside Out Newsletter

The AVP Inside Out Newsletter publication provides an opportunity for members of the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) community, inside and outside correctional facilities, to connect with one another about the effects of violence on us all and the strategies we use to transform the violence in our lives and communities.

Click on the links below to read the past two issues.

We are seeking submissions for future issues! Review the submission guidelines here and email submissions to: AVP@fnvw.org.


Upcoming Events

  • People Camp Reunion! Saturday, February 25th, 4:30 - 8:30 p.m. (In-person)

  • Next Virtual AVP Combo Workshop: Thursdays & Saturdays, March 2, 4, 9, & 11 

Check out the new FNVW calendar at: fnvw.org/events


Now is the time to support the principles and practices of nonviolence that FNVW's programs champion. Your financial support will help us move our mission forward into the future!


FNVW E-Letter
February 14, 2023

Friends for a NonViolent World
P.O. Box 4564  | Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
651-917-0383 | info@fnvw.org

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