Nonviolence in action since 1981


Join FNVW at the Friends School of MN Plant Sale

Come volunteer with us at the Friends School Plant Sale! FNVW staff are signed up for the Hauling to School Shift on May 13th. Sign up to join us if you can. There are many other positions waiting to be filled.

The Friends School of MN generously hosts the FNVW Holiday Fair. This is our chance to support their fundraising event!

Steve Moe, staff coordinator of the FSM Plant Sale, with last year's FNVW volunteers.

Volunteer Registration:  

Make sure to stop by this year's Friends School Plant Sale happening May 10th - 12th!


New Issue of the AVP Inside Out Newsletter


FNVW's AVP Inside Out Newsletter publication provides an opportunity for members of the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) community, inside and outside correctional facilities, to connect with one another about the effects of violence on us all and the strategies we use to transform the violence in our lives and communities.

Click on the links below to read the past two issues.

We are seeking submissions for future issues! Review the submission guidelines here and email submissions to:


Check Out the FNVW Annual Meeting - March 2nd
Connect - Celebrate - Increase our Impact

2023 was a banner year for FNVW!

The FNVW Board of Directors invites you to celebrate with us at the FNVW's Annual Meeting. This is a special time to be together as an FNVW community to: 

  • Meet and appreciate one another
  • Reflect on our accomplishments in 2023
  • Learn about FNVW's plans for the future
  • Welcome new Board Members

FNVW Annual Meeting
Saturday, March 2nd
9 am - 12 pm 
Twin Cities Friends Meeting

725 Grand Ave, St Paul, MN 55105


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 886 9961 0166
Passcode: 246514


A light breakfast will be served. RSVP for more details and to be entered in a door prize drawing!

Become a Member of the FNVW Board of Directors!

Friends for a NonViolent World (FNVW) invites you to apply to join our Board of Directors! FNVW is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose programs work to promote and create peace and justice in our community by using the principles and practices of nonviolence to transform conflict and to address the root causes of violence. Application deadline is February 21, 2024.

View the full position description and apply today!
For more information, contact Board Clerk, Mike Texler, at


Alternatives to Violence Project Workshops for Youth!

The Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) is a series of experiential workshops that transform conflict through dynamic exercises, exploring the role of violence in our lives and developing new and creative paths to peace and justice. Our youth workshops create a space for folks ages 10-30 to process their experiences with violence and conflict, and support them in developing tangible and specific skills to use in their daily lives. 

Youth workshop participants learn to resolve conflict nonviolently in community with one another, supported by facilitators who recognize the power young people have to create lasting change. 

AVP Youth Workshops are available at no cost to participants! Meals are provided, and transportation assistance is available for those who need it.

Know someone who would like to participate in one of our upcoming workshops? Have suggestions for organizations or groups who might like to partner with us? 

Let us know by filling out this AVP Youth Workshop Interest Form.

Contact Katie Twyman-Metzger for more information or to explore partnership opportunities:

Please consider making a donation to support this powerful opportunity for youth in our community. 


Last Chance to Register
AVP-MN Basic Level Workshop for Youth and Young Adults
Feb 17-18

Youth ages 10-30 are invited to join us for our first Alternatives to Violence Workshop specifically for youth and young adults on Saturday and Sunday, February 17 and 18! 

February AVP Community Workshop
Basic Level 

For participants ages 10-30

The two day in-person workshop schedule is:  

Saturday, February 17th, 10:00 am - 8:00 pm - lunch and dinner included
Sunday, February 18th, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm - lunch included

sign up today to reserve your spot

Youth participants ages 10-30 who return for a later workshop will receive a $50 Visa gift card as a thank you.

A breakout group of three recent workshop participants with AVP facilitator Collaborative Catherine.


Sign Up Today!
AVP-MN Intergenerational Combo Level Workshop

March 16-17

In the context of a supportive community, you'll discover your power to build safer communities and transform conflict and frustration in your life. AVP workshops are fast paced, experiential, and life changing!  


In this workshop, we're trying something new and exciting: We're inviting participants of ages 10 and up to participate! Whether this is your first workshop or you're ready to become a facilitator, participants of any level are enthusiastically welcomed.

All participants are invited to join us at no charge. Additionally, youth participants ages 10-30 who return for a later workshop will receive a $50 Visa gift card as a thank you. 

Thank you to Hennepin County for making this possible! 

AVP-MN Intergenerational Combo Level Workshop

For participants ages 10 and up!

The two day in-person workshop schedule is:  

Saturday, March 16th, 10:00 am - 8:00 pm - lunch and dinner included
Sunday, March 17th, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm - lunch included

sign up today to reserve your spot

Contact for more information!

January AVP workshop participants engaged in a small group circle conversation


Registration is Now Open!

People Camp 2024
Gathering the Community - Growing in Unity

People Camp is a unique, one week, intergenerational community living experience run by FNVW and open to all.  

Early Bird registration begins today! Sign up now to receive up to $40 off each registration.

A 3-day camp option is available again this year.

We can't wait to see you at People Camp!

At People Camp you'll discover: 

  • Shared community life and work
  • Opportunities for recreation and connection
  • Inspiring social justice themed workshops and action opportunities

Check out the People Camp Guide or Video to learn more about what People Camp is all about!

"At People Camp I enjoy time together in shared community. I enjoy the trees and creative spaces and watching my kiddos be independent and enjoying free play!" 

Find out more at:


Great Opportunity to Learn About Direct Action


Photo by Eve Gutman


Those of you who attended the George Lakey events FNVW hosted in the fall may have learned about Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT). This winter EQAT is offering a series of free online trainings on nonviolent direct action to build the people power, the skills, and the spiritual commitment for their largest mobilization yet in the Vanguard S.O.S. campaign. 

These trainings will be great for people curious about nonviolent direct action campaigning generally as well as those who will be joining EQAT in action in southeastern Pennsylvania sometime soon. They'll also be helpful for those who are already participating in collective action in spaces outside of the Vanguard S.O.S. campaign and also those who are thinking about moving their money as part of a climate campaign. You're invited to attend the full sequence of trainings for a richer experience, but you’re also welcome to join just one or a few of the sessions.  


Upcoming Events

Nonviolent Direct Action Online Study Group: Thursday nights, January 25th - February 29th

People Camp Registration Opens: February 1st

February Youth AVP Basic Workshop: February 17th and 18th

FNVW Annual Meeting: March 2nd

March Intergenerational AVP Combo Workshop: March 16th and 17th

Friends School of Minnesota Plant Sale: May 10th - 12th


FNVW works to promote and create peace and justice in our community by using the principles and practices of nonviolence to transform conflict and to address the root causes of violence. Your financial support will help us move our mission forward into the future!


February 15th, 2024

Friends for a NonViolent World
P.O. Box 4564  | Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
651-917-0383 |

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