Nonviolence in action since 1981


Note from the Executive Director
National Youth Violence Prevention Week

This week FNVW joins youth and teens from across America to take a stand against violence. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)1, 13 youth die every day due to violence. Further, 1 in 5 high school students report that they have been victims of bullying. While the individual causes of teen and youth violence are varied, there are key risk factors. Social isolation, being a victim of violence, and emotional distress can all be risk factors for youth acting out violently.

Studies show community organizing to prevent youth violence works. In fact, one study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) showed that students in high-risk communities with violence prevention programs were less likely to engage in violence than the general population.2


In 2023, through conversations with stakeholders and community members, FNVW identified investing in youth as a core strategic priority for our work. Since then, FNVW has begun offering youth-centered AVP workshops to address and prevent community violence and to promote the resilience of youth and young adults who are disproportionately affected by violence, youth who would benefit from additional connection and support, and youth who desire to develop their power to creatively and nonviolently respond to conflict. Through partnerships with schools and community organizations we are on track to deliver 20 life-changing youth AVP workshops in 2024.

FNVW is doing our part to prevent youth violence, but we can't do it without you. Our future depends on your partnership. Please take action for National Youth Violence Prevention Week by making a financial contribution to support FNVW's work. Thank you for your investment in our youth!

With Revolutionary Love,


1. Centers for Disease Control:
2. National Institutes of Health:


FNVW uses the principles and practices of nonviolence to transform conflict and to address the root causes of violence in our community. Your financial contributions move our mission forward!


FNVW's AVP Program Wins Badass Minnesotans Award from the Minnesota Women's Press

Members of the Alternatives to Violence Project, which won an organizational Badass Minnesotans award from Minnesota Women’s Press, with MWP Editor Mikki Morrissette.


The Minnesota Women’s Press April 13th event “39 Years of Voice and Vision” was a jam-packed Saturday afternoon event to celebrate Badass Minnesotans — and the Minnesota Women's Press' survival as the longest continuously run feminist publication in the U.S.

Badass members voted for the first annual Badass Minnesotans Awards, whose recipients were recognized at the event. The five individual and three organizational winners were selected from a collection of 2023-24 stories published on

We are proud to share that FNVW's Alternatives to Violence Project was one of the three organizations honored with a Badass Minnesotans Award!


In May, the MWP will launch an ongoing Changemakers Alliance online series called Collective Health. It will focus on all the interlocking puzzle pieces involved in a healthy Minnesota ecosystem: housing, mental health, Greater Minnesota needs, youth well-being, co-op culture, and  addressing health disparities.

A panel discussion at the April event included Dr. Catherine Squires of African American Leadership Forum; Shea Holt of Alternatives to Violence Project; and Joyce Tofte, of Southwest Minnesota State University in Marshall. Tofte works as an advocate for gender-based violence survivors and co-leads anti-racism work that centers BIPOC residents in southern Minnesota.

Joyce Tofte of Marshall MN, Shea Holt of Alternatives to Violence Project, and Catherine Squires of African American Leadership Forum talked about concepts related to the upcoming Collective Health series (photo by Sarah Whiting)


Help Grow FNVW!
Table with us at the Friends School Plant Sale

FNVW will be tabling at the Friends School Plant Sale, which is taking place from Friday, May 10
– Sunday, May 12, 2024 outside the Grandstand on the Minnesota state Fairgrounds. This event attracts thousands of people who are likely to be excited about our mission and vision.

Please help us recruit, inform and connect with them by signing up to volunteer to staff the FNVW table for a 2 hour slot. What could be better – growing FNVW while surrounded by beautiful growing plants! Sign up here.

Questions? Contact Joan at:


AVP-MN Basic Level Workshop for Youth
May 4th and 5th

FNVW is now offering Alternatives to Violence Youth Workshops for youth ages 10-30! AVP youth participants will learn to resolve conflict nonviolently in community with one another, supported by facilitators who recognize the power young people have to create lasting change.

The two day in-person workshop schedule is:  

Saturday, May 4th, 10:00 am - 8:00 pm - lunch and dinner included
Sunday, May 5th, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm - lunch included


Workshop Location:
The Hub for Nonviolence and Safety
2143 Lowry Ave N
Minneapolis, MN 55412    

Sign up here to reserve your spot

Contact for more information!

This workshop is offered free of charge. Thank you to Hennepin County for making this possible! 
Participants who return for a later workshop will receive a $50 Visa gift card as a thank you.


AVP-MN Advanced Level Intergenerational Workshop  
May 18th and 19th

Calling all Basic Level AVP Workshop graduates! Continue to develop your AVP skills at the upcoming Advanced Level AVP workshop. The focus of the Advanced Workshop will be chosen by workshop participants through consensus. Common themes include - but are not limited to - fear, anger, stereotyping, power and forgiveness. Mark your calendars and reserve your spot today!


The two day in-person workshop schedule is:  

Saturday, May 18th, 10:00 am - 8:00 pm - lunch and dinner included
Sunday, May 19th, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm - lunch included

Workshop Location:
The workshop will be held at a convenient location in Minneapolis. Details coming soon...

Sign up here to reserve your spot

Contact for more information!


Join us for a Taste of People Camp

You and your friends are invited to a Taste of People Camp! Come learn more about what is in store for People Camp 2024. Connect with those who have been to People Camp before and meet new people interested in going!

Saturday, April 27th
4:30 - 7:00 pm

Twin Cities Friends Meeting
1725 Grand Ave
St. Paul, MN 55105

ALL are welcome. Bring friends, family, and a potluck dish to share. We hope to see you there!


Register for People Camp 2024
Gathering the Community - Growing in Unity

People Camp is a unique, one week, intergenerational community living experience run by FNVW and open to all.  

Early Bird registration begins today! Sign up now to receive up to $40 off each registration.

A 3-day camp option is available again this year.

We can't wait to see you at People Camp!

At People Camp you'll discover: 

  • Shared community life and work
  • Opportunities for recreation and connection
  • Inspiring social justice themed workshops and action opportunities

Check out the People Camp Guide or Video to learn more about what People Camp is all about!

"At People Camp I enjoy time together in shared community. I enjoy the trees and creative spaces and watching my kiddos be independent and enjoying free play!" 

Find out more at:


FNVW works to promote and create peace and justice in our community by using the principles and practices of nonviolence to transform conflict and to address the root causes of violence. Your financial support will help us move our mission forward into the future!


Upcoming Events

People Camp Early Bird Registration: Now - May 31st

Taste of People Camp: April 27th

May Youth AVP Basic Workshop: May 4th and 5th

Friends School of Minnesota Plant Sale: May 10th - 12th

May Intergenerational AVP Advanced Workshop: May 18th and 19th


April 24, 2024

Friends for a NonViolent World
P.O. Box 4564  | Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
651-917-0383 |

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