We champion nonviolence as the foundation for effective programs and actions to promote the dignity of every human being.


3rd Annual Rise and Remember
George Floyd Memorial Celebration
May 25 - 27


Complete Event Schedule

Organized by the George Floyd Global Memorial (GFGM), Rise and Remember exists to hold in remembrance those we have lost to the pervasive impacts of systemic racism, and to gather people to pursue racial justice and equity. Throughout Rise and Remember, GFGM will host a two-day conference, a candlelight vigil, a gala, and a festival. Their vision is that through this annual event, they can inspire people to rise to the occasion, come together in community, and build racial equity. 

FNVW staff invite the FNVW community to join us in attending the MN Justice Research Center (MNJRC) event happening at George Floyd Square on May 25th.

At this event, MNJRC will discuss: the history of policing and historic opportunities with Dr. Yohuru Williams and Dr. Michael Lansing; the work in community to shape a consent decree between the Minnesota Department of Human Rights and the Minneapolis Police Department; and engage in a facilitated conversation about how these efforts have felt and what comes next.

Three Years Later:
Community Reflections on Shaping the Consent Decree 

May 25, 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
3736 Chicago Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55407

FNVW will gather at George Floyd Square at 5 pm before the MNJRC event.
Email Samantha@fnvw.org for more details or to RSVP


 Thank You, Students!


 FNVW had the opportunity to connect with some amazing students for the Spring '23 semester. Each student completed their own special projects that had a great impact on FNVW:

  • Will designed a 50 Years of People Camp Memory Book that explores and documents the fascinating history of People Camp through the decades. 
  • Naomi produced and hosted an episode of the Everyday Nonviolence Podcast featuring ConnextMSP. It will be released this spring.
  • Olivia took an AVP workshop and also put together a Twin Cities Violence Prevention resource that lists local nonviolence and social justice organizations and upcoming community events. She wrapped it all up with an analysis of how FNVW interrupts forms of violence, based on her academic studies.
  • Iman produced and hosted an episode of the Everyday Nonviolence Podcast featuring Isuroon to be released soon.
  • Sydney participated in Second Chance Day on the Hill, provided support for developing the Twin Cities Violence Prevention document, attended our annual meeting, and tabled at Saint Paul College.
  • Charlie compiled and analyzed our 2022 Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) workshop evaluations, did important AVP data entry, and helped with donor outreach.

We are so thankful for the amazing connections we made with our students semester. We look forward to staying in touch! Thank you all so much for everything that you have shared with FNVW. 


Register for People Camp: Caring for Our Future
Early Bird Deadline is May 31st!

People Camp is a unique, one week, intergenerational community living experience run by FNVW and open to all. 

Early birds who sign up before May 31st save $40 per weekly adult registration

3-day and 7-day camp options will be available again this year!

Check out the People Camp Guide to learn more about what People Camp is all about!


People Camp Workshop Sneak Peek - Part One!

Workshops happen each morning at People Camp, offering People Campers a space to connect and grow our peacebuilding skills.

Check out one of the amazing workshops happening this year: 

Caring for Our Future: Liberate Your Imagination

What do we need to survive and thrive for the next fifty years? What about for the next thousand?! Driven by these questions, Liz and Peter Digitale Anderson will lead a three day intergenerational workshop for kids, teens, and adults. Together we’ll imagine a future liberated from systems of domination, and ask what kinds of personal, cultural, and structural change we need to get there.

We’ll work on telling better stories about what is possible, map the social change ecosystem using Deepa Iyer’s work, and help you discern your role in caring for our collective future. We’ll integrate art, activities, and song as we dream, scheme, and anchor our courage for the work and world to come.  


Liz Digitale Anderson (she/they) is a song leader and activist who uses community singing, theatre, and art as vehicles organizing towards liberation. Liz leads ongoing song circles for joy, grief, courage, movement work, queer power, racial justice, and BIPOC + Mixed Race somatic healing.

Peter Digitale Anderson (he/him) is the Director of Formation for Peace Catalyst International. In addition to leading trainings in peacebuilding, nonviolence, and community organizing, he also leads racial healing circles with Coming to the Table and organizes with SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice).  You can read more about Liz and Peter's work at fiercelyalive.com/.


FNVW in the Community

––––––––––––––––– Friends School of MN Plant Sale –––––––––––––––––

FNVW staff, Leah and Samantha, were busy Tuesday morning helping with set up and construction projects for the upcoming Friends School of Minnesota Plant Sale!

They worked with a great team to build shelves, move shopping carts and haul supplies to be ready for Friday. Make sure to enjoy their hard work at the Plant Sale this Mother's Day Weekend!

Sign-up to Volunteer at the Plant Sale

––––––––––––––––––– Tabling Event at St. Paul College –––––––––––––––––––

One of our amazing FNVW volunteers, James Bradford III, and his Presenting Diversity Real club at Saint Paul College invited FNVW to table at their event on May 9th. Samantha (FNVW Volunteer Engagement Specialist) and Sydney (one of our Community Engaged Learning Students) connected with students and faculty to share information about FNVW at the event.


 Save the Date: Walk for Peace & Justice!

September 30th at 10 a.m.

FNVW invites all groups, organizations and individuals in  Minnesota that promote nonviolence, peaceful conflict resolution and equitable justice to join us at this huge community building and fundraising event!

This event takes place on Day 10 of Twin Cities Nonviolent's annual 12 Days Free from Violence.

Our kick-off location is Brackett Park in Minneapolis. We will walk to the Lake Street/Marshall Avenue Bridge for a Hands Across the River Ceremony followed by food, music and speakers at the Danish American Center.

Learn more and register at: fnvw.org/walk4peace

Together we will uplift the vision of a world beyond violence and a culture rooted in nonviolence. 


FNVW in the Newest Women's Press Issue

FNVW and our AVP team is featured in the MN Women's Press May Issue!

The presentation and AVP mini-session from Shea, David, Maria, Mike and Tom L. was so well-received at the Changemakers Alliance Bodily Autonomy Event in March that the MN Women's Press featured their work in their newest issue (as well as in this 3-minute recap video)!



April - June AVP Inside Out Newsletter


The AVP Inside Out Newsletter publication provides an opportunity for members of the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) community, inside and outside correctional facilities, to connect with one another about the effects of violence on us all and the strategies we use to transform the violence in our lives and communities.

Click on the links below to read the past two issues.

We are seeking submissions for future issues! Review the submission guidelines here and email submissions to: avp@fnvw.org.


Upcoming Events

  • Virtual AVP Combo Workshop (Wednesdays & Saturdays): May 10, 13, 17, 20
  • Volunteer at the Friends School Plant Sale: May 12 - 14
  • Three Years Later - Community Reflections on Shaping the Consent Decree: May 25, 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
  • Early Bird Registration Deadline for People Camp: May 31

Check out the new FNVW calendar at: fnvw.org/events


Now is the time to support the principles and practices of nonviolence that FNVW's programs champion. Your financial support will help us move our mission forward into the future!


FNVW E-Letter
May 11, 2023

Friends for a NonViolent World
P.O. Box 4564  | Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
651-917-0383 | info@fnvw.org

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