We champion nonviolence as the foundation for effective programs and actions to promote the dignity of every human being.


Note from Executive Director

Liminal Space

“Liminal space is an inner state and sometimes an outer situation where we can begin to think and act in new ways. It is where we are betwixt and between, having left one room or stage of life but not yet entered the next. We usually enter liminal space when our former way of being is challenged or changed... It is a graced time, but often does not feel ‘graced’ in any way. In such space, we are not certain or in control.”

– Richard Rohr

Someone once told me that the only constant in life is change. After seven awesome months, Samantha Alexander made the difficult decision to leave her role as FNVW's Volunteer Engagement Specialist. Transitions such as this totally fall into the category of liminal space. Or maybe liminal space is simply the reality of life.  

As Heather Plett, co-founder of the Centre for Holding Space, recently wrote, "What I’m beginning to understand, on a deeper level, is that ALL OF LIFE is liminal and the best we can do is learn to accept the liminality and become more adapted to it... Our lives are wobbly and unpredictable. We can’t find solid ground on which to land. So, what’s the alternative? Learning to adapt to liminality."

A metaphor Heather is exploring for liminality is the shoreline. "You can be standing on dry land in one moment, and up to your knees in water the next. It is neither land nor sea, but both/and. Liminality is a place of flux, where you are always becoming and releasing, evolving and adapting," she writes. 

This staff transition is not truly an ending or a beginning but simply one of a never ending series of shifts and changes that make up life. 

I will truly miss working alongside Samantha, with her talent, enthusiasm and big heart. And I can't wait to see what the future holds for her and for FNVW.

With Revolutionary Love, 


Message from Samantha Alexander


Hello All, 

My journey has led me in a different direction, but I want to thank you all for making my time at FNVW such a memorable experience. Since November, I have learned about so many different things - different ways to live, to take action, to show up, and to care for others (just to name a few). 

I have met so many AMAZING humans in the FNVW, AVP, and Quaker community. I look forward to continuing to see the amazing work that is being done by this community and be able to support it from a different angle. Thank you all for being you and letting me experience how great that is! This is not a goodbye but see you soon!

- Samantha Alexander


FNVW in the Community!

Shall We Gather at the River 

To celebrate the summer solstice last week, FNVW attended the Shall We Gather at the River speed networking event hosted by Twin Cities Nonviolent (TCNV)!

The gathering was a wonderful opportunity to share our goals, struggles, successes and questions with other committed people in our community. This type of rich cross-pollination helps strengthen our collective work for peace and justice. Thank you to TCNV for bringing us all together!

FNVW Executive Director Leah Robshaw Robinson with event organizer and TCNV Programming Team Member, Karen Olson Johnson.

FNVW Board Members, John Ewu and Sue Fust, connecting with AVP Facilitator, Harry Greenberg.

FNVW Board Member, John Ewu, speed networking with another event attendee. 

Community Peace Celebration 


The Peace Celebration is a beloved annual event featuring local performers, exhibits featuring community artists and local organizations, free healthy food and activities for all ages. Held in the Frogtown and Summit-University (Rondo) neighborhoods, this year also included a newly installed solar peace pole at the Western Sculpture Park!

It is an entirely grassroots volunteer effort organized by community members for our community. FNVW Board Member, Melvin Giles, and FNVW Executive Director, Leah Robshaw Robinson, were a part of the 2023 Community Peace Celebration planning team. Thank you to Samantha Alexander, Cynthia Bartoo, Sue Fust, and PJ Hoffman for talking with the many community members who stopped by the FNVW table.


Register to Walk for Peace & Justice! 

We are calling on all Minnesotans to come out and participate in the Walk for Peace and Justice on September 30th! This is a fundraising and community building event designed to support the people and organizations working to prevent the experiences of violence occurring in the Twin Cities.

Your contribution and/or participation will be a demonstration of your commitment to nonviolence and peace and justice in the Twin Cities and beyond.

Kicking-off at Brackett Park in Minneapolis, we'll walk to the Lake Street/Marshall Avenue Bridge for a Hands Across the Mississippi Ceremony followed by food, music and speakers at the Danish American Center.

In collaboration with Twin Cities Nonviolent, this event takes place on Day 10 of Twin Cities Nonviolent annual 12 Days Free from Violence.

There are many ways to take part:

Together we will uplift the vision of a world beyond violence and a culture rooted in nonviolence.

We invite all groups and organizations in Minnesota that promote nonviolence, peaceful conflict resolution and equitable justice to partner with us. Contact us at walk4peace@fnvw.org if you’d like more information or are interested in helping us plan the event.

Find out more and register to participate here: fnvw.org/walk4peace


Thank You to Andersen Window's Connect& Opportunity!

This spring, FNVW was selected to participate in the Connect & Tech series hosted by Andersen Windows & Doors Technology Department and HandsOn Twin Cities!

An amazing team of pro-bono volunteers from Andersen IT provided FNVW's Data Team with invaluable guidance and consulting support. Over the course of three Connect& events, the Andersen team helped the FNVW Data Team discern which Microsoft cloud service and apps to use to design our new organizational database! 

FNVW's Connect& Team worked hard and laughed a lot too. Pictured L-R from top left: Matt Peterson, Leah Robshaw Robinson, PJ Hoffman, Charlotta Prestine, Fish Townsend, Mike Texler and Amber McKenzie. 

Thank you to Blair Halperin and everyone at HandsOn Twin Cities for this incredible opportunity. Thank you to the Andersen Pro-Bono Volunteers who worked with us on our project: Amber McKenzie, Matthew Peterson and Charlotta Prestine. And finally, thank you to FNVW's intrepid Data Team members: PJ Hoffman, Mike Texler, Fish Townsend and Leah Robshaw Robinson.


Get Out into the Community with FNVW this Summer 

FNVW is getting outside and connecting with new people and communities this summer! We invite you sign up to be a part of the fun. We are looking for individuals interested in talking about FNVW, sharing information about our upcoming events and volunteer opportunities, and enjoying  community focused spaces.

Take a look and see if you'd like to join us at any of these events where we'll be tabling and passing out fliers: FNVW Community Events

Please put your name and time of availability down in that box next to any event you'd like to attend and we'll follow up with more details. All event volunteers will get an FNVW t-shirt.

If you are interested in these types of activities but want to gather some more information and practice, please reach out to leah@fnvw.org.

Thank you all for making FNVW the amazing community that it is!


Upcoming Events

  • People Camp: August 6-12th
  • Walk for Peace & Justice: September 30th

Check out the new FNVW calendar at: fnvw.org/events


Now is the time to support the principles and practices of nonviolence that FNVW's programs champion. Your financial support will help us move our mission forward into the future!


FNVW E-Letter
June 29, 2023

Friends for a NonViolent World
P.O. Box 4564  | Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
651-917-0383 | info@fnvw.org

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