We champion nonviolence as the foundation for effective programs and actions to promote the dignity of every human being.


Note from Executive Director

This afternoon, FNVW is hosting a Zoom reunion for alumni of FNVW's intern and community engaged learning student program. Almost 50 students have participated in this program over the last five years! During their time at FNVW, students get a unique opportunity to experience nonviolent principles and practices in action. In turn, they contribute energy and insights that help move FNVW's work forward.

Today's event will be an opportunity for alumni to catch up, network and re-connect with FNVW.  

FNVW Student Alumni Reunion

When: Thursday, October 28, 4:30-5:30 p.m. CDT

Join Zoom Meeting: https://bit.ly/FNVWalumni

Meeting ID: 872 0458 3303
Passcode: 070237

Call In Option: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

With revolutionary love, 


Meet FNVW's Fall 2021 Community Engaged Learning Students

My name is Gbemi Oyetunde and I’m a 4th year student at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. 

I’m getting my bachelors degree in Individualized Studies with a focus in African American and African Studies, Mass Communication and Social Justice. 

My role at FNVW is focused on oral history and journalism. This semester, I am excited to learn different ways FNVW is involved in the community and contribute to the work they do. I think this opportunity will help me understand more about catering to the needs of my community and being more involved. 


Hello! My name is Madison, and I am a junior at the University of Minnesota. I am in the College of Continuing Professions with my focus areas in integrative medicine and social justice. My goal is to start a non-profit helping those who cannot afford adequate healthcare.

I got involved in FNVW, because I am interested in helping rebuild the community of Minneapolis within this time in a window of great opportunity for positive reform. 

I will be supporting the work of the Briding the Divides: Policing and Public Safety That Works for Everyone Program.


My name is Caroline and I am Minnesota born and raised, studying Global Studies and Social Justice at the U of MN. I hope to use what I learn to educate other people and spread awareness of the many topics and injustices society tends to overlook.

I love exploring things that promote a broader experience of life — such as connections with people, exploring nature, and learning about how others experience and view the world. I am very excited to work with FNVW this fall, connecting community and making an impact in real life!


Volunteer Opportunity Corner:
Donate Items to be sold at the FNVW Holiday Fair

Planning is underway for the 2021 FNVW Holiday Fair! The event will take place December 3-4 at the Friends School of Minnesota in St. Paul. 

We need your help gathering items to sell at the Holiday Fair. Sign up on this form to:

  • Donate crafty things you make like sweaters, quilts, carvings, paintings, dolls and doll clothing etc.
  • Donate a service you could provide to someone such as shoveling snow/mowing grass, a massage, assistance with cleaning (especially those garages that get filled with stuff we don’t remember), dog walking, and anything that may be useful for people.
  • Ask your favorite businesses to donate a gift card or item from their store. You can use this Holiday Fair Buisiness Donation Form.

Please let us know that you plan to donate items by signing up on this Holiday Fair Donation Sign Up Form. Contact Paulie Salazar with questions: paulie@fnvw.org 


Take Action: Organize with FNVW to Change the Charter

FNVW is working with BIPOC led organizations and members of Minneapolis Friends Meeting to pass the Charter Amendment to create a Department of Public Safety in Minneapolis.

FNVW will be phone banking with Yes4Minneapolis on Monday nights in October. Sign up here to join us in mobilizing people to vote yes on Question 2.  


Minneapolis Public Safety Charter Amendment Community Conversation with FNVW

On Tuesday, October 19, people from FNVW, Twin Cities Friends Meeting and Minneapolis Friends Meeting met over Zoom to discuss the Minneapolis Public Safety Charter Amendment. With the events of last year still fresh in memories, participants reflected on their own experiences with safety issues. The group imagined what Minneapolis would look and feel like if everyone was safe to love and thrive regardless of race, income or zip code. The conversation then moved to the Public Safety Charter Amendment.

Members of the Bridging the Divides team explained how the current Minneapolis charter locks 1/3 of the city's budget into a police-only model that does not solve the root causes of violence and disproportionately harms and kills Black and Brown members of our community. Passing Question 2 will allow Minneapolis to invest in a new, data-driven public safety model. In addition to armed police officers, a new Department of Public Safety can include specialized, nonviolent response options for 911 calls as well as violence prevention and intervention programs. FNVW urges Minneapolis voters to take action by voting yes on ballot Question 2 so real change is possible.


New Everyday Nonviolence Podcast Episode

Matthew Walker: Poet, Playwright, NonViolent Practitioner (Re-release)

In this re-issued and updated episode, original host, Joann Perry, speaks with Mathew Walker about his participation in the Alternatives to Violence Program (AVP). Joann learns how exposure to the principles and skills of nonviolence helped Matthew gain greater self-awareness and empowered him with new tools for transforming conflict situations. After participating in an AVP workshop while incarcerated, Mathew subsequently became a program facilitator. Current host, Diane Sandberg catches up with Mathew to find out how the past three years have reinforced Mathew’s commitment to AVP and active nonviolence. Find out more about AVP on FNVW’s website fnvw.org

After listening to this episode, please consider sharing with your networks on your social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) Include a few sentences about what you liked or learned and a link to the episode.


Follow FNVW on Social Media!

Like FNVW's facebook page and share our posts:  

Follow FNVW on instagram:

Subscribe to FNVW's YouTube channel: 
Friends for a Nonviolentworld

FNVW is working hard to expand the reach and impact of our programs. Social media is a powerful way to engage more people in our work. 

We need your help to increase FNVW's visibility on social media.

Here's what you can do: 

  • Take a moment right now to follow our pages
  • Like and share our social media posts
  • Volunteer to create social media content to help tell FNVW's story and promote events.

Monthly Virtual Sing Along

Join us for an FNVW Sing Along on the last Friday of the month. Led by PJ Hoffman, Maria Musachio, and friends. You can also lead some of the songs - let us know!

When: Friday, October 29, 7:00-8:00 p.m. CDT

Join Zoom Meeting: http://bit.ly/zoomsingalong

Meeting ID: 995 6883 3010
Password: 067324

Call-In Option: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)


This is a historic moment where communities are re-imagining public safety and how we live in relationship with one another. Now is the time to support the principles and practices of nonviolence that FNVW's programs champion. There is a lot FNVW can accomplish in 2021 with your financial support!


Upcoming Events

  • Thursday, October 21: Intern and Community Engaged Learning Student Alumni Reunion: 4:30-5:30 pm
  • Friday, October 29: FNVW Zoom Sing Along: 7-8 pm 
  • Tuesday, November 2: Election Day
  • Friday, December 3 & Saturday, December 4: FNVW Holiday Fair

Friends for a NonViolent World
393 N Dunlap Street Suite #450E | Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
(651) 917-0383 | info@fnvw.org

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