We champion nonviolence as the foundation for effective programs and actions to promote the dignity of every human being.


Note from Executive Director

Thoughts about space and place are on my mind these days. As the trial for ex-police officer Derek Chauvin begins in Minneapolis, I am claiming my identity as a citizen of this city. With that comes the call to do my part to dismantle white supremacy and reimagine a community safety model that respects the dignity of every human being. FNVW's programs provide tremendous opportunities to get involved in this work. I feel grateful to be a part of the FNVW community with you. 

The other reason I've been thinking about space and place is that FNVW just moved our office! We are now located one floor up from our old office space in the 393 N. Dunlap St. building in St. Paul. Moving takes effort, but there is a freshness that comes with a new space and an opportunity to consider what is needed to do the work at hand and what is not. I look forward to the day when I can give you a tour!



Mark Your Calendars: FNVW Annual Meeting

When: Saturday, March 27, 10:00-11:30 a.m. CST

What to expect:

  • Celebrate what FNVW accomplished during 2020!
  • Welcome new Board Members and appreciate outgoing Board Members
  • Learn what’s on the horizon for FNVW in 2021

Join Zoom Meeting: http://bit.ly/fnvw2021

Meeting ID: 982 9223 3824
Password: 211302

Call-In Option: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)



AVP Inside Out - March 2021 Issue

The AVP Inside Out publication provides an opportunity for members of the AVP community, inside and outside correctional facilities, to connect with one another about the effects of violence on us all and the strategies we use to transform the violence in our lives and communities. We hope you'll enjoy reading it and contributing to it in the months ahead. Click on the links below to read the past two issues.

We are seeking submissions for future issues! If you are drawn to any of the categories listed or have a new one in mind, we welcome your contributions. Review the submission guidelines here. Please email submissions to: AVP.MN.Community@gmail.com.


Take Action - Bystander and De-Escalation Training

With the beginning of the Chauvin trial in Minneapolis, we're reminded of the role and responsibility we all have as citizens to keep each other safe. The American Friends Service Committee has a resource that provides training on "proven techniques for countering violence." Check this out to sharpen or learn skills in bystander intervention and de-escalation tactics. Watch the webinar here.


Volunteer Opportunity Corner

We will feature volunteer position openings at FNVW in a "Volunteer Opportunity Corner" in each e-letter.

FNVW Volunteer Position Opening!
FNVW Website Organizer

As a Website Organizer volunteer, you will continually update our website to depict our programs, events, and volunteer opportunities in creative, innovative, and aesthetically appealing ways. Although not required, experience with websites is preferred. You will also be asked to learn the AveNET software that we use for our website. You will work collaboratively with other staff and volunteers and receive direct support from the Executive Director. You can expect to volunteer between 2-6 hours every month, with a commitment of at least 1 year. This is a remote position.

Apply today through this link or email volunteer@fnvw.org for more information.


The People's Inauguration Whatcha Wednesday Series

Join FNVW for a Whatcha Wednesday series inspired by The People’s Inauguration - "10 Days to Activate Revolutionary Love" virtual event! FNVW is partnering with The People's Inauguration to engage and amplify the critical work of rebuilding our nation. In this series, we’ll ground ourselves in the ethic of revolutionary love — love for others, for our opponents, and for ourselves. We’ll focus on a different core teaching each week, using Valarie Kaur’s recorded videos as a guide. The order of our series will correspond with the 10-day online journey (e.g., “Week 1” corresponds with “Day 1”).  Check out the full lineup here. If you’re interested in co-facilitating one of these sessions, please reach out to Miranda Dils (miranda@fnvw.org) - we’d love to work with you.

Week 8 - Push

We'll discover what it means to push in the context of loving ourselves. We’ll learn the elements of apology and explore the relationship between healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation (from TPI website).

When: Wednesday, March 17, 10:00-11:30 a.m. CST. Facilitated by Miranda Dils & Leah Robshaw Robinson.

Week 9 - Transition

In this week's teaching and guided inquiry, we’ll learn how to identify when we’re in transition, exploring how to name what is wanting to be born and how to summon the bravery to keep breathing and pushing to build a new nation (from TPI website).

When: Wednesday, March 24, 10:00-11:30 a.m. CST. Facilitated by Miranda Dils & Leah Robshaw Robinson.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/96162676801?pwd=Q3ZOWCtGTE1WMEJLbG96NmpHVDNpZz09

Meeting ID: 961 6267 6801
Password: 655383

Call-In Option: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)


What happened at the past two Whatcha Wednesdays? Two Wednesdays ago, we explored why protecting space to reimagine is essential to systemic change. We shared our own ideas for what a world rooted in revolutionary love would look like. We used The Berkana Institute's two loops model of social change to see where FNVW's programs fit into larger systemic change work.

This week, we learned how breathing together to let joy in and pushing through fear allows us to summon the bravery to transition from one reality to another. We shared how breathing and breathing rituals are a part of our lives. We brainstormed ways FNVW's work can/does support and fight for a community where we can all breathe, rest, and thrive. We especially focused our conversation around ex-police officer Chauvin's trial that started this Monday.


Taste of People Camp Gathering

We are looking forward to TASTE OF PEOPLE CAMP, a virtual gathering to celebrate friendships old and new. Please invite people you think might be interested in coming to camp this summer. We are planning for an in-person People Camp experience at Northern Pines Retreat Center, August 8-14, with flexible expectations. We would love to increase our community this year, enriching our experience through expanded participation.

This year's campers will be exploring the theme "Seeking Justice in a Changing World."

Here's all you need to know about the Taste of People Camp Gathering...

When: Saturday, April 17, 6:00-7:30 p.m. CST

Where: On Zoom of course!

What to expect:

  • Virtual potluck
  • Gathering song and a lively virtual game
  • 2 rounds of breakout rooms where we can meet in smaller groups
  • Business portion: Introduction to the Planning Committee’s efforts towards envisioning People Camp 2021
  • Singalong for those who choose to hang out longer
Hope to see a Zoom screen FULL of People Campers!




COVID-19 in Minnesota Prisons

As of 3.9.21, there are 80 active cases of Covid-19 in Minnesota state prison facilities, along with 11 Covid-19-related inmate deaths. The Department of Corrections posts daily on their website with updated numbers. Find other updates here.





Upcoming Events

  • Wednesday, March 17: The People's Inauguration Whatcha Wednesday Series - Week 8, 10-11:30 a.m.
  • Wednesday, March 24: The People's Inauguration Whatcha Wednesday Series - Week 9, 10-11:30 a.m.
  • Saturday, March 27: Annual Meeting, 10-11:30 a.m.
  • Saturday, April 17: Taste of People Camp Gathering, 6-7:30 p.m.

Friends for a NonViolent World
393 N Dunlap Street Suite #450E | Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
(651) 917-0383 | info@fnvw.org

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