We champion nonviolence as the foundation for effective programs and actions to promote the dignity of every human being.


Note from Executive Director

On Tuesday, we witnessed a historic moment in Minneapolis as ex-police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all three charges in the murder of George Floyd. Standing in George Floyd Square with Miranda Dils following the verdict, I took a moment to breathe. I felt relief and gratitude wash over my body. Accountability was served.

And the work is far from over.

In the last two weeks alone, we experienced the death of Daunte Wright, another unarmed Black man in our Twin Cities community killed by a police officer. We also learned about the mass shooting in Indianapolis, a tragedy that touches the open wound of decades-long racial trauma experienced by the Sikh community in the United States. And now Ma'Khia Bryant is dead. The grief and rage can feel overwhelming. And yet, we must recommit ourselves to believing in and building a future with real accountability for police and real safety for our communities. 

FNVW's programs empower people with nonviolent strategies for transforming conflict and making social change. In this e-letter, you'll find a number of specific ways to take action together in this moment. Now is the time to rise up. I hope you'll join us.

Yours in revolutionary love, 


Ask Five People for $5 to Support FNVW's Work

FNVW uses nonviolent approaches to social change to help bend the arc of the universe towards justice. Programs like the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) and People Camp offer time tested methods for how to live in right relationship with one another. The Everyday Nonviolence Podcast shares inspirational stories of people using the principles and strategies of nonviolence for healing and social change. Through our Bridging the Divides: Policing that Works for Everyone program, FNVW is organizing for equitable policing and public safety models.

There is a lot FNVW hopes to accomplish in 2021, but we need your help raising the funds to do it. 

In April, we are inviting everyone in the FNVW community to ask five people they know to make a $5 gift to support FNVW. 

There are lots of ways to talk about why FNVW's work matters. We encourage you to share your own FNVW story as a part of your ask. You can also find inspiration in FNVW's 2020 Annual Report. Donations can be made online at fnvw.org or by sending a check to: FNVW, P.O. Box 4564, St. Paul, MN.


Volunteer Appreciation Week!

The third week in April marks National Volunteer Week. From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank each of you for donating your time and talents to support the work of FNVW. You truly make our work possible.

Click on the image below to hear a message of gratitude from Volunteer Engagement Specialist Miranda Dils. Many thanks to volunteer Tom Lesney for compiling and editing this video.

Click above to watch the video.


New Everyday Nonviolence Podcast Episode

Celebrate Earth Day by listening to our newest podcast:

Gardening, Healing, Social Justice - Rick Juliusson, Executive Director, Minnesota State Horticultural Society

In this episode, Everyday Nonviolence Podcast Team member, Diane Sandberg, talks with the Executive Director of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society (MSHS), Rick Juliusson. Rick reflects on how his varied experiences in international and U.S. non-profit organizations and as a farmer inform his work with MSHS. He shares his excitement about MSHS’s increased focus on needs such as food insecurity and diversity. Additional information about MSHS is available at: https://northerngardener.org.

After listening to this episode, please consider sharing with your networks on your social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) with a few sentences about what you liked or learned and the link to the episode!


Solidarity Vigil for Mass Shooting in Indianapolis

Sponsored by the Revolutionary Love Project & Faith in Action, in partnership with many others, including Sikh organizations.

Join us for a multiracial interfaith vigil to grieve and stand in solidarity with the Sikh community one week after the mass shooting in Indianapolis. The massacre is touching the open wound of decades-long racial trauma. In the wake of the verdict over George Floyd’s murder, we will gather to recommit to ending anti-Black racism and racial violence in all forms. We will be joined by faith leaders, artists, activists, and Sikh community members. This online event will be a night of testimony, music, prayer, and song. We will gather in grief, rage, and love — and the Sikh spirit of Chardi Kala, ever-rising spirits even in darkness. Art: Anandpurarts

When: Tonight, Thursday, April 22, 7 p.m. CDT

RSVP to receive Zoom link here: SolidarityVigil.com


Take Action - Police Accountability Action Hour

Now is a critical time to press elected officials to pass police accountability legislation! At this FNVW Action Hour, we'll provide resources and a script for you to contact your senators. We'll mute ourselves while we make our calls and then unmute to connect afterwards. Join us! You will be glad you did.

When: Monday, April 26, 5:00-6:00 p.m. CDT

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/96087503617?pwd=V1V3T3lBeGJoQ2ZYclZyWXV2eHdwUT09

Meeting ID: 960 8750 3617
Password: 667983

Call-In Option: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Here are the resources we'll be using, courtesy of Indivisible St. Paul, if you'd rather make calls on your own this week:

  • PASS POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY BILLS (MN): Get the Senate to hear Police Accountability bills. Details here.
  • END QUALIFIED IMMUNITY (US SENATE VERSION): Call Senators Klobuchar and Smith to ask that they co-sponsor Senate Bill 492, the Ending Qualified Immunity Act. Details here.

Wednesday Connection Opportunity: April Queries

On Wednesdays in April, FNVW staff will be presenting a query/question at the start of the session. Then, we’ll leave the space open for reflection and discussion about this query, letting the conversation flow naturally. See more details below.

We will continue to offer different volunteer connection opportunities each month - we may offer some events weekly, like we did this month; in other months, we may focus our energy on planning one larger event. We will keep you updated in the e-letters and weekly emails. Please reach out to miranda@fnvw.org if you have ideas for an event you'd like to see happen and/or help plan!

April Query #3

"The human soul doesn’t want to be advised or fixed or saved. It simply wants to be witnessed — to be seen, heard and companioned exactly as it is." -Parker J. Palmer (Inspired by Minnesota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute's Facebook post)

What does quotation mean to you?

Read Parker Palmer's full essay, "The Gift of Presence, The Perils of Advice," here.

When: Wednesday, April 28, 10:00-11:00 a.m. CDT

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/96162676801?pwd=Q3ZOWCtGTE1WMEJLbG96NmpHVDNpZz09

Meeting ID: 961 6267 6801
Password: 655383

Call-In Option: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)


Save the Date! People Camp 2021

August 8-14
Northern Pines Retreat Center

People Camp is a week-long transformative experience of cooperation, community living, peacemaking, and the exploration of ideas and issues. This is a summer camp experience for the whole family and for anyone who enjoys warm, supportive community, challenging workshops, and lots of recreation in a camp setting.

This year's campers will be exploring the theme "Seeking Justice in a Changing World."

Registration for People Camp is open NOW! Sign up here: People Camp 2021 Registration Form


Volunteer Opportunity Corner

We will feature volunteer position openings at FNVW in a "Volunteer Opportunity Corner" in each e-letter.

FNVW Volunteer Position Opening! Join the Bridging the Divides Team

Are you passionate about organizing for social change through conversations with neighbors, advocacy, and education? Do you want to learn more about the re-imagining of public safety and policing happening around the Twin Cities? The Bridging the Divides: Policing that Works for Everyone Team has reconnected and is building momentum. Members of this group are showing up for BIPOC-led organizing efforts and have committed to a series of actions in the next month that we will then build off of as we continue to discern FNVW’s role in this movement. We welcome anyone interested in community safety to get involved! The next Bridging the Divides Meeting is Tuesday, April 27th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. CDT.

Apply today through this link, attend the meeting on 4/27, or email miranda@fnvw.org to express interest.


Monthly Virtual Singalong


Join us for an FNVW Singalong on the last Friday of the month. Led by PJ Hoffman, Maria Musachio, and friends. You can also lead some of the songs - let us know!

When: Friday, April 30, 7:00-8:00 p.m. CDT

Join Zoom Meeting: http://bit.ly/zoomsingalong

Meeting ID: 995 6883 3010
Password: 067324

Call-In Option: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)





COVID-19 in Minnesota Prisons

As of 4.20.21, there are 241 active cases of Covid-19 in Minnesota state prison facilities, along with 12 Covid-19-related inmate deaths. The Department of Corrections posts daily on their website with updated numbers. Find other updates here.





Upcoming Events

  • Thursday, April 22: Solidarity Vigil, 7 p.m.
  • Monday, April 26: FNVW Action Hour, 5-6 p.m.
  • Tuesday, April 27: Bridging the Divides Meeting, 6:30-8 p.m.
  • Wednesday, April 28: April Query #3, 10-11 a.m.
  • Friday, April 30: Virtual Singalong, 7-8 p.m.

Friends for a NonViolent World
393 N Dunlap Street Suite #450E | Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
(651) 917-0383 | info@fnvw.org

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