We champion nonviolence as the foundation for effective programs and actions to promote the dignity of every human being.


Note from Executive Director

Earlier this month my two kiddos and I attended FNVW's People Camp 2021: Seeking Justice in a Changing World. What a magical experience. There is something special and unique about living in community with 70 other justice minded people people for a week. This year especially I felt we embodied the beloved community while resting, reflecting, playing and learning together. Thank you to everyone who made People Camp safe and successful this year.

I hope to see all of you at People Camp 2022!

With revolutionary love, 

Photos from People Camp 2021


AVP Inside Out Newsletter - August Issue

The AVP Inside Out publication provides an opportunity for members of the AVP community, inside and outside correctional facilities, to connect with one another about the effects of violence on us all and the strategies we use to transform the violence in our lives and communities. Click on the links below to read the past two issues.

We are seeking submissions for future issues! If you are drawn to any of the categories listed or have a new one in mind, we welcome your contributions. Review the submission guidelines here. Please email submissions to: AVP.MN.Community@gmail.com.


Take Action: Organize with FNVW to Change the Charter

FNVW is working with BIPOC led organizations and members of Minneapolis Friends Meeting to pass the Charter Amendment that would allow us to create a Department of Public Safety in Minneapolis instead of the current police-only approach. Join us in mobilizing people to vote yes though door knocking, phone banking and hosting community conversations. Sign up here if you are interested. Or email leah@fnvw.org for more information.


Fall Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) Basic Virtual Community Workshop - Registration is Open
Develop Your Skills for Reimaging Safety and Transforming Conflict 

What: In the context of a supportive community, you will discover new skills and attitudes to address, prevent, and transform violence. This four day workshop will offer a holistic, experiential, safe, and lively approach to learning the tools to discover your own power to build safer communities and transform conflict and frustration in your life. 


  • Friday, September 10, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. CDT
  • Saturday, September 11, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. CDT
  • Friday, September 17, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. CDT
  • Saturday, September 18, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. CDT

Where: The entire workshop will take place via Zoom. We are happy to provide technological assistance if you have any questions about using Zoom.

Who: All are welcome to attend. No prior experience necessary. This is the first of three levels of AVP workshops. There will be opportunities to take the next levels (Advanced & Training for Facilitators) in the coming months if you are interested.

Cost: The suggested fee to participate in this workshop is $25 - $100. We understand that not everyone may be able to afford this, and no one is turned away due to lack of funds. If you are able, please make your payment online at: https://bit.ly/2BcG1dH or by sending a check payable to Friends for a NonViolent World to: FNVW, P.O. Box 4564, St. Paul, MN 55104. 

To register, please fill out this Google Form: AVP-MN Basic Community Workshop - Fall 2021


AVP International : 2021 Online World Gathering  

August 26-29

This is the first time a full AVP World Gathering will be held online. Be part of this historic event!

AVP International is all about bringing the AVP community together to share experiences and wisdom, to build and renew friendships, and to have some fun along the way.

The gathering has been designed to encourage participation by AVP facilitators in 20 time zones. View the full program here: https://avp.international/wg2021/program/

Advance registration is required to attend the gathering. Registration closes August 20. Register here: https://avp.international/wg2021/form-1507/


Monthly Virtual Sing Along

Join us for an FNVW Singalong on the last Friday of the month. Led by PJ Hoffman, Maria Musachio, and friends. You can also lead some of the songs - let us know!

When: Friday, August 26, 7:00-8:00 p.m. CDT

Join Zoom Meeting: http://bit.ly/zoomsingalong

Meeting ID: 995 6883 3010
Password: 067324

Call-In Option: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)


Volunteer Opportunity Corner

We will feature volunteer position openings at FNVW in a "Volunteer Opportunity Corner" in each e-letter.

Join the FNVW Holiday Fair Planning Committee 

The Holiday Fair is FNVW's biggest fundraising event of the year. It takes place the first weekend of December at the Minneapolis Friends Meeting. The FNVW Holiday Fair includes a craft sale, café, used book sale, values board, photo booth, live music and more. We'll be honoring FNVW's 40th Anniversary this year too!

The force behind the FNVW Holiday Fair is the Holiday Fair Planning Committee. Join this team to help FNVW raise the funds we need to move our mission forward in 2022!  A variety of different roles are available. Your skills are needed. Our first meeting is Saturday, August 28th from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Contact Leah at leah@fnvw.org for more information. 



This is a historic moment where communities are re-imagining public safety and how we live in relationship with one another. Now is the time to support the principles and practices of nonviolence that FNVW's programs champion. There is a lot FNVW can accomplish in 2021 with your financial support!


Upcoming Events

  • Friday, August 27: FNVW Virtual Sing Along 7-8 pm
  • Saturday, August 28: Holiday Fair Planning Committee 9:30 - 11:10 am
  • Monday, September 13: AVP MN Council Meeting 3-4:30 pm 
  • September 10-11, 17-18:  AVP Basic Community Workshop

Friends for a NonViolent World
393 N Dunlap Street Suite #450E | Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104
(651) 917-0383 | info@fnvw.org

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